Barge Flashing: Crucial Protection for Your Roof's Perimeter

Barge Flashing: Crucial Protection for Your Roof's Perimeter

If you leave your roof perimeter vulnerable, water can leak through it and cause structural damage and rot in your home. That is where barge flashing comes in.

You must ensure that every part of your roof is durable and will last a long time, including the perimeter.

Continue our barge flashing guide to learn what it can do for a roof, how to install it and more.

What is Barge Flashing?

Flashing is a roofing material you place around the exposed parts of a roof to protect it and make it look neat. 

Barge flashing is a flashing product that you specifically place on the roof’s perimeter. Without barge flashing on the roof, it will lack overall integrity. They have a triangular profile to fit over the roof perimeter neatly.

You also need to look at barge capping roof products like barge capping colorbond roof parts. Place these on roof gable ends tp help seal the roof further.

What Are the Benefits of Using Barge Flashing?

Barge flashing presents a lot of benefits to your roof and home. Some of the best benefits of barge flashing include:

  • It can prevent water from getting into the cracks in the roof.
  • It can protect the edges of the roof and the gables (barge cappings mainly protect the gables).
  • It can enhance the overall durability of the roof. Also, a more durable roof can withstand high winds and other adverse weather events.
  • It can help to give your roof a longer life.
  • It can reduce the need to maintain the roof perimeter. By extension, less need to maintain the roof means reducing maintenance costs.
  • Sealing small gaps in the roof can give the house a more attractive finish.
  • It can prevent wind from entering your home through the roof permitter, so your air conditioning unit can operate more efficiently. The benefit you get from this is a reduction in energy bills.

What Can Happen if You Don’t Use Barge Flashing?

The main problem you will encounter if you don’t use barge flashing is water leaks. Water leaks come with a whole host of serious problems for your home.

First, water leaks can increase the likelihood of mould and rot in your home. Mould is highly unpleasant, but more importantly, it can lead to rot, which can cause massive and expensive structural damage to your house. 

Sometimes, rot can get so out of hand that you need to replace entire sections of the house. Therefore, installing barge flashing is worth it.

How Do You Install Barge Flashing and Colorband Barge Capping?

Installing barge flashing can be challenging if you lack the experience. Therefore, we recommend hiring a professional barge flashing installer for the job. 

Additionally, installing barge flashing yourself can be more expensive in the long term if you do it wrong. You may need to maintain it constantly or even get an installer to replace it.

If you are confident you can install barge flashing and barge capping roof products yourself, here is how you should do it:

  1. Thoroughly measure the roof's perimeter (and the gables for barge capping) so you know the exact length and width you need.
  2. Prepare the roof areas for installation by removing debris and cleaning them.
  3. Ensure you have all the equipment and materials to install the roof flashing. The equipment you need includes the material for the flashing, nails to fasten the flashing, sealant, something to cut the flashing (a saw, for example), a hammer to attach the flashing (or a drill) and any necessary safety equipment like gloves, a hard hat and a roof ladder.
  4. Cut the barge flashing to the sizer you need. Ensure you cut the angles precisely for the corners of the roof perimeter.
  5. Use nails or fasteners to attach the barge flashing to the roof. Check it afterwards to ensure it is entirely secure.
  6. Use a sealant to seal gaps between the barge flashing and the roof fully.

What Barge Flashing Material is the Best One?

Before you buy a barge flashing product, you need to become familiar with the available flashing materials.

  • You can get metal flashing materials like steel or aluminium. Metal is an excellent material for durability and weather resistance. However, it can corrode quicker than other materials and is far more expensive.
  • PVC is a much cheaper barge flashing option and is much easier to install, so it is preferable for DIY installation. It is also more versatile if you have an unusual roof shape. However, it isn’t the most durable barge flashing option. For example, it can degrade when left in the sun for long periods.
  • Rubber is an excellent choice for barge flashing for high resistance to adverse weather. Additionally, it lasts a long time and is suitable for multiple roof types. However, it is a much more expensive option than PVC.

Before you decide on a barge flashing material, you must determine what matters to you most: price or durability.

Do You Need to Maintain Barge Flashing?

Although high-quality barge flashing reduces the need to inspect and maintain your roof constantly, you still need to maintain it regularly to ensure that there is no damage. Maintaining your roof is the key to ensuring it has a long life.

When you inspect your barge flashing, check for signs of damage or deterioration, including rust, cracks, missing or loose nails and mould. You also need to check the attic for water stains near the perimeter.

If the damage to the barge flashing is minor, you can solve it yourself by sealing the crack or replacing it with a new strip. However, hire a professional if the damage is significant.

Is Barge Flashing Expensive?

While you can save money on a cheaper barge flashing product like PVC, consider other associated costs. 

For example, installing the barge flashing can be expensive. If you hire an installer, there will be an expensive up-front cost. However, the costs can be steeper if you install barge flashing yourself and do it incorrectly. If you do a poor job, you may need someone to re-install the flashing.

Also, you need to consider the savings that more expensive flashing will get you. For example, rubber flashing is very durable, so you won’t need to repair or replace it as often.

Final Thoughts on Why You Need Barge Flashing for Your Roof

Barge flashing is an essential part of a roof that prevents water from penetrating it. You need to consider what barge flashing product has the best attributes for you.

Because of the small gaps in the roof perimeter, you must ensure that you install your barge flashing to a high standard. Hire an installer who will attach and seal it effectively.

If you want to know more about excellent products for your roof, check out Roofstuff.

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