The Ultimate Guide to Apron Flashing Roof Protection

The Ultimate Guide to Apron Flashing Roof Protection

A roof that falls apart and doesn’t protect your home costs you time and money, so finding excellent protection is essential.

Many often look past apron flashing when adding protection to their roof, but it can be crucial to keeping your house safe. However, why is apron roof flashing an essential part of roofing, and how does it stack up to other solutions?

Our ultimate apron flashing guide will detail why you need it, how to install and maintain it and much more.

What is Apron Roof Flashing, and Why is it Necessary for Roofing?

You attach apron flashing to your roof at the base of a wall or any gap. The fundamental purpose of it is to prevent water from leaking into your home through the roof. It can also help if snow melts onto the roof or if there’s any moisture on it.

Apron flashing can be the difference between a protected house and thousands of AUD in damages.

Aside from preventing water damage, apron flashing has multiple other benefits, including:

  • Water damage can also lead to rot and mould on the roof. Apron flashing helps prevent this in the most vulnerable areas, like the edges of walls.
  • It can extend your roof’s lifespan and make repairs less necessary.
  • It can help make your house more energy efficient by providing insulation to the edges of the walls.
  • It can stop pests from entering your home through the roof.

In some territories, building codes may require using apron flashing to your home. Check your territory's regulations to determine if you need apron flashing.

What Are the Types of Roof Apron Flashing Materials?

Before deciding on an apron roof flashing product, you must decide on a material. There are multiple apron flashing materials, and they all have benefits and drawbacks. Here are the most popular apron flashing materials:

  • Galvanised steel flashing – This is excellent if you want a durable material that doesn’t corrode because it has a zinc layer. However, it is heavier, making it more challenging to install. It looks excellent with steel roof sheeting.
  • Aluminium flashing – This is also great for durability but is more lightweight than steel, making it easier to carry and install. However, this flashing isn’t essential if you live in an area with low humidity. It is also a cost-effective option.
  • Copper flashing – Copper lasts for a long time and has aesthetic appeal on a roof (especially when paired with metal roofing). However, it is one of the more expensive apron flashing options.
  • Lead – This is unique because you can mould it to fit awkward gaps on your roof. Lead is also a durable material. However, it may be subject to regulations in specific territories.

You can also arrange custom flashings to suit your roof if it has an unusual shape; this will be a more expensive option than regular materials.

How Do You Install Apron Flashings to Your Roof?

Before installing apron flashing onto your roof, you must have all the necessary materials. Here is what you need to install apron flashing.

  • Your chosen apron flashing product.
  • Roof cement or another adhesive to stick the flashing to the roof and wall.
  • Screws or nails to attach the flashing.
  • A hammer.
  • Sealent to ensure the apron flashing stays in place.
  • A measuring tape to ensure that you apply the right flashing length.
  • Shears to cut the flashing to size.
  • Chalk to mark where you want to place the flashing.
  • Safety equipment like a sturdy ladder, a hard hat and safety glasses.

Once you have all the roofing materials ready, you can start the installation process:

  1. Ensure your roof ladder is stable and has all the necessary attachments (roof ladder hooks, for example).
  2. Measure the area you need to apply the apron flashing and cut the flashing to size.
  3. Remove any debris from the flashing installation area. If you have old flashing installed, remove this before you apply the new product.
  4. Add your roofing adhesive to where you want to install the flashing. Do not let this dry before you add the flashing.
  5. Stick the flashing to the adhesive; press firmly on it so it can’t fall off. 
  6. Drill screws or nails into the flashing to secure it.
  7. Seal the flashing edges with roofing sealant.
  8. Inspect the flashing to see if it is secure.
  9. Use a caulk gun to smooth the flashing sealant.

How Do You Maintain Roof Apron Flashing?

Once you install the flashing, you must inspect it regularly to check if any part of it requires maintenance. You can prevent potential water leakage in your home by regularly maintaining apron flashing.

Replace your flashing if you see signs of corrosion, separation between the flashing or the wall, loose screws or nails or ineffective sealant. Ensure that you replace it quickly to reduce the chance of water leakage.

However, if you notice stains on your walls or ceiling, call a professional to quickly install new apron flashing.

How Does Apron Flashing Compare to Other Roofing Components?

While apron flashing benefits a roof, it’s not the only solution. 

Here is how apron flashing compares to other roofing components.

Apron Roof Flashing vs. Drip Edge Flashing

There isn’t a need to pit these two against each other because you need both to protect your roof from leakage.

You install drip edge flashing on your roof edges. It can divert water to the gutters to prevent it from leaking to your ceiling and walls.

Apron Roof Flashing vs. Gutter Systems

Like drip edge flashing, you need an excellent gutter system and apron flashing to provide a watertight seal to your roof.

Gutter systems collect rainwater and guide it away from the building. They are essential for protecting the walls from potential water damage or leakage.

What Mistakes Should You Avoid Regarding Apron Flashing?

Before finalising an apron flashing purchase, you must know what to avoid when installing and maintaining it.

When installing the flashing, ensure that your equipment is of excellent quality. Subpar equipment and materials can result in potential repairs or replacements. For example, if you use a low-quality sealant on the edges of the flashing, it will likely come off quickly and require resealing.

Also, you must ensure your measurements are 100% correct before applying the flashing. If you’re not confident you can do this, you should hire a professional to install it.

You also need to inspect your flashing regularly. Otherwise, you won’t notice if there’s a problem, and rain could leak into your house without you knowing it.

Should You Install Apron Flashing Yourself or Hire a Professional?

Hiring a professional to install apron flashing can be expensive. If you already have roofing equipment and are proficient with DIY, you may want to handle it yourself.

Along with saving money, you may also enjoy installing the flashing, especially if you love DIY or want to have a hand in building and maintaining your home.

However, if you don’t feel confident to install it yourself, or you don’t have time, hire a professional. A professional installer will apply your flashing correctly and use the best equipment and materials, so you don’t have to worry that the flashing will come off.

Final Thoughts On If You Need Apron Flashing for Your Roof

Apron flashing is an excellent barrier that prevents water from leaking and entering your home. For this reason alone, you should purchase it for your roof.

Also, remember to take care during installation (or hire a professional) and maintain the flashing regularly.

To start looking at excellent flashing products for your roof, head to RoofStuff and look at our flashing products.

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