What Are the Different Types of Colorbond Flashing Profiles?

What Are the Different Types of Colorbond Flashing Profiles?

Colorbond flashing is a metal sheet that redirects rainwater away from a building’s crucial parts. It’s typically for construction purposes. It consists of durable Colorbond galvanised steel and can resist multiple weather types. Additionally, you can purchase it in numerous colours to fit any roof's aesthetic.

Without Colorbond flashings, water can cause expensive damage. For example, if water leaks into a house, it can cause mould and rot. If this happens, the rot can damage the house’s structure, which is expensive to repair.

Additionally, Colorbond flashing can protect the longevity of a house by carrying the water away from vulnerable areas like corners and joints.

However, how do you find the right Colorbond flashing profile for your home?

Our guide will detail the various types of Colorbond flashing profiles and show you how to choose the right one.

What is Colorbond Flashing Material, and What is its Role in Building Structure?

Before detailing the wide range of Colorbond flashing profiles, we should further explain their role in maintaining building structure.

Bluescope develops the Colorbond material, a sturdy steel foundation with a coating that prevents corrosion. The coating is robust and durable because it consists of the following materials:

  • Magnesium.
  • Aluminium.
  • Zinc.

Additionally, Bluescope designed Colorbond to be versatile, so you can purchase it in various Colorbond colours. Them doing this means that Colorbond flashing can fit any roof design.

So, what is the central role of Colorbond flashing? 

Water overflow can cause significant damage to a roof’s structure. Therefore, you need Colorbond flashing to manage it effectively. Additionally, it can provide a brilliant seal for vulnerable parts of the roof, such as

  • The joints.
  • The intersections between the house and the roof.
  • The seams between roof materials.

By protecting these, Colorbond flashing preserves the roof’s integrity.

Despite being protective, Colorbond flashing won’t work if you choose the wrong profile. Here are the specific reasons why selecting the right Colorbond flashing profile is essential:

  • Different flashing profiles are more suitable for higher levels of water. The wrong profile may not carry water away efficiently if there’s a lot of it.
  • Certain Colorbond flashing profiles may not fit with the aesthetic of your roof.
  • Specific profiles may not be suitable for particular roof materials.
  • Some profiles last longer than others, and you won’t need to maintain them as much.

What Are the Main Types of Colorbond Flashing Profiles?

Now you understand why it’s crucial to have Colorband flashing and the right profile, we can go into more detail on all the significant profiles.

Here are the main types of Colorbond flashing profiles and their unique properties.

Angle Flashing

Angle flashing has an L shape, which helps cover the joints where the roof meets the attic walls. It has uses in construction and residential homes.

It is a brilliant choice because it effectively stops water from infiltrating the joints. 

It’s also very versatile because you can purchase it in different angles and sizes, meaning that it can fit joints of various sizes.

Barge Flashing

You can find barge flashing like Colorbond barge capping along the edges of gabled roofs. Its primary purpose is to protect the roofing sheet ends. The ends of the roofing sheets are completely vulnerable without protection, so barge flashing is vital. 

By protecting the sheet ends, barge flashing stops water from coming in, increasing the roof's longevity.

One of the main benefits of barge flashing is that you can purchase it in multiple configurations. This feature is helpful because it can fit various roof designs.

For example, you can get rolled barge flashing, which is easier to apply for complex roof pitches.

Ridge Flashing

Ridge flashing goes along the roof ridge, which is where the two sides of the roof meet. Rainwater will hit the roof ridge first, so protecting it is critical to prevent roof leaks.

Depending on your roof's layout, you can get various styles of ridge flashing. For example, round ridge caps are excellent for directing water towards your guttering system (like a box gutter).

Valley Flashing

Intersecting roofing slopes can create valleys, a massive water pooling problem. If water pools on the roof, it can gradually damage the roof materials by causing mould and rot. Additionally, pooling water can leak through and damage the house’s structure if there are gaps in the roof.

You need valley flashing to prevent these problems from occurring in roof valleys. As well as helping to prevent damage from water, valley flashing can direct it to the guttering.

Depending on the size and type of your roof, you may need a specific kind of valley flashing. Here are some types of valley flashing available in Australia:

  • Open valley flashing is an exposed metal strip that is easy to install and maintain.
  • You can use closed-cut valley flashing by installing it underneath other roofing materials. Although it’s more challenging to maintain, it has a much nicer visual design.
  • Woven valley flashing is challenging to install because you have to weave the flashing over and under roofing materials. Also, woven valley flashing is one of the best options for preventing water leaks.

Apron Flashing

Apron flashing is the final critical profile you must be aware of because it goes along the points of the roof that meet a vertical housing structure like the walls of the house or the chimney.

Because the gaps between the walls and the roof can be large enough for water to leak through, apron flashing is one of the most essential profiles to install.

Also, house designs vary dramatically. Because of this, you can get multiple apron flashing sizes to suit numerous types of walls and chimneys.

If your construction needs are too specific for a standard flashings to fit, you may need to arrange the design and installation of custom flashings.

How Do You Choose the Right Colorbond Flashing Profile for Your Roof?

Because there isn’t a universal flashing profile for every roof, you must determine the one you need. There are several ways to do this, including: 

  • Determining every point of your roof design that is vulnerable to water leaks and pooling. You may need multiple Colorbond flashing profiles depending on your roof’s design.
  • Double-check that the material you choose for flashing won’t corrode any of your roofing materials.
  • Check the weather conditions in your area. You may need a flashing profile type that can withstand intense rain and snow.
  • Find a flashing profile that fits your roof’s aesthetic. For example, you may want flashing that you need to install under the roof materials so it doesn’t stick out and clash with the roof design.
  • Check what you need to install certain profiles. Some flashing may require specific experience or tools for installation, meaning that you must hire a professional.

Remember that choosing the right flashing profile is essential because it can: 

  • Waterproof your roof and make it more durable.
  • Make the roof neater and more visually appealing.
  • Make all the roofing materials last longer and make them easier to maintain.

When choosing the perfect flashing profile for your home, remember to keep the balance of aesthetics and function in mind.

Final Thoughts on the Best Type of Colorbond Flashing Profile

In summary, there are multiple types of Colorbond flashing profiles that are suitable for different sections of a roof. The best ones for your roof’s design will depend on numerous variables (mentioned in the section above). You must make all the necessary considerations to choose the correct product.

Once you have the right flashing profile, you’ll have a more durable and longer-lasting roof. You will also have a roof with improved aesthetics.

You can find more information about finding the best flashing for your roof on our blog on Roofstuff.

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